Saturday, February 04, 2006

Start things out terribly wrong

Hi. I am going to give a try to this blogging thing. I have been writing for a while, but have figured that my life is too lame to be able to entertain people with it on a semi regular basis. So prepare to be bored half the time and entertained 1% of the time. I am not so sure about what will go on the other 49%, maybe mild disinterest or some waffling. Let's get this disaster rolling...

I have had a crush on a bloke for quite a couple of months. Jeff (the bloke in question) and I work together at the local Italian restaurant. It is great fun, flirting back and forth all night while we pour water and coffee makes the nights go by rather quickly. We are both rather sarcastic and everything turns into a joke. I have recently crossed a line.
I reached over and picked a piece of fluff off his shirt and said, "Wow, your mom isn't very good at doing your laundry, is she?"
"Yeah, I know, she died last week."
"She must have died after that night we spent together." I said when I saw the big smile on his face, I figured he had made a terribly inappropriate joke. I thought it was funny.
"She really did die last week"
"Stop fucking around!" I couldn't have possible have a mouth big enough for that much foot. It couldn't have been true.
"She did, liver failure!"

So that was Wednsday, this is Saturday. I think I ought to ask him out when we go out for drinks after work today. That is enough time for him to forget how much of a moron I am, isn't it?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch... sucks to be you on this one...

Sorry for the guy's mom too...

10:00 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know... in a way, I don't think Jeff was too affected by your comment... in another way, he may have laughed a bit inside... one thing I know, is that losing your mother, as I did, also to liver failure, is that everything that goes on around you for the first little while is surreal... it will somehow relate to your mother... murphy's law. Nothing can make you feel any worse than just the fact that someone very important has been lost. In a way, your comments made him appreciate her even more, even though his heart did sink if only for a second. He probably felt worse for you.

Tell Jeff... his mother made him the way he is... the way he thinks... and the way he acts... she'll always be looking over him... if not spiritually... subconsciously. His memory will always live on inside of him and how he conducts himself on a daily basis... and this no doubt showed in the grace he exhibited when reacting to your comments.

6:55 p.m.  

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