Thursday, February 23, 2006

Food and Love

Working in a restaurant as I do means I work with love. Whether it is waiting for hands to be unclasped before being able to put a plate down or seeing moans escape after trying a bite of one of those 1500 calorie dishes, we work with love. As such, the air in a good restaurant always has a tingle to it; it speaks of possibilities and romance and a bit of lust. That might be why crushes are so prevalent.
I know at the restaurant I work at that one of the kitchen guys feels it for me (that one has a lot of food related perks), that I have one on a waiter, two of them are dating, there are a couple of ex's and one of the waitresses runs and hides when the manager comes by. This last one give me so much pleasure.
The waitress in the crush, Tania, stared at Tom for every minute of the Christmas party. She really runs away when he approaches. It is hilariously adorable. I love her for it. I have a big mouth though, so her choice in talking to me about it (she claims no one else knows) was probably unwise. I told Tom...
"I know someone who fancies you!!" in a teasing tone, figuring that I could do some taunting. I wouldn't quite tell, just make him keep a look out.
"I know someone too, Tania."
"Uh, yeah, thanks for ruining my fun."

So, in conclusion, I am a terrible friend.
Especially when we had dinner last night, she asked me if I thought he knew. I said that I was pretty sure he did. She was shocked that I would think that.

PS. Yesterday was the prettiest day I have ever had in my life. Everything that could work was working. I expected more compliments than I got. I had a friend who told me that if I was as hot as I said I was, then he needed to come on my face. I guess I wasn't that hot because nobody came on my face, or even in their pants. Damn.


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