Friday, March 30, 2007

Mmmm sacril-icious

Jesus was a carpenter. I am going to be one. I have been looking for a job (rather lazily) for the last month. Today is Saturday, and I start on Monday. I have researched enough to know that I will be in a lot of pain for the next month. I am looking forward to it. Especially since I am going to a fancy little pool side engagement party this afternoon and have discovered that none of my swimsuits fit. A bunch of manual labour will do me a lot of good.I am starting out pretty green. I am sure that there are girls who have done a lot more than I have. I have built a wall, a table, a few things in shop class (where I was just girly enough to have asked for help sawing wood because my puny arm muscles made for long work of getting through a log. The learning curve ( I hope will be pretty steep).Looking for a job was kind of tough. I think that for the first time in my life, I experienced sexism. It made me a little sad, but also more resolute. There were quite a few people who looked at me when I handed in a resume, then looked at the resume and said "Oh, this is for you?" I didn't know that I could get other people to hand out my resume for me. I should hire some bums to do it for me next time.It sucks going from being near the top of my field to the very bottom. I was a waitress before, and every time I applied for a job, I got a job offer. But you have to start somewhere, I guess.The place that I am working gives me some creeps. They have been in the business for decades upon decades, so that speaks well for them. My problem is that the guy in the office was one of the people who were surprised that the resume was for me. He told me to call the next day so he would have an opportunity to see which of the crews needed someone. I didn't. Instead, I decided I didn't want to work for someone who gave me the creeps. So a few days later, another guy called me. I guess he needed someone. And since I still hadn't found a job, I went to an interview with the guy. It was at a Mormon Church way on the other side of town. I drove all the way over there to meet with him. He asked me if I was interested in apprenticing. I said yes. So he said that the only way to tell if it would work out is to give it a try. He handed me papers to fill out and told me to come Monday.I found it weird that that was it. This guy was odd. He was not loquacious. Every bit of information I got from him was pulled. I asked him what time. He said "Seven AM."I asked him what I should need, he said "A belt and a hammer, we will supply a hardhat"He never mentioned what I would be making. The guy at the office had asked what I expected to make. I told him. I don't know if I will be making that or not. I guess we will see.PS. Spell check isn't working, so anyone feel free to tell me where I fucked up. I could do it manually, but I suck.PS (x2) If anyone has something that I should know, feel free to tell me. Charitable knowledge that will make my life easier is eagerly accepted.

You Sexy Tool

The last post before the first day of work…
Let us talk about tool shopping. Heck, tools sure can be sexy. I fell in love with a hammer. I think we may be getting married in a few months. As it was, I went for the second best. There is a fancy little sucker that weight only 15 ounces and it’s made of titanium. She was only $330. A sexy little beast called a stiletto. Well, according to that it is only $249.95, but that is American. If I cared enough I would do the translation, but I don’t. I can’t wait for my $50 hammer to break. I went to go visit my cousins framing crew and one of the guys had one of the fancy stiletto ones, and swinging it compared to my hammer was night and day. I suspect mine will kill my arms and shoulder. We will find out tomorrow night, won’t we?
A friend of mine told me that a new tool belt is like a new baseball glove. Only the unsavvy would see fit to use them. I am proud to say that I got the oldest one in the books, I got it repaired. It is so old. So at least I won’t look geek in all regards. I went to go pick it up at the leather workers. While the guy was looking for the hammer holder that needed fixing, this diva chick walked up, probably to pick up some heels. When he put my stuff on the bench, the girl asked me what my thing was. I told her that it was a piece of my tool belt. She asked me “That looks pretty hardcore, what do you do?” I exaggerated a little bit and told her “I am a carpenter.” Tee hee.
She gave me the very first “You go, girl!!” in my whole life. It really lightened my day. Even if I am not really that close to being a carpenter, sometimes a little white lie just feels good.
I wish I had a project this weekend so I could bust up some stuff.
Anyway, I am beginning to suspect that I am getting too excited. I will surely be let down if I let this continue, so I am going to watch some depressing romantic comedies and go to bed.

Workit Like the Machine You Are

I think I fell in love today. I am pretty sure it is illegal for us to marry, but I would love to. My love is called (I will edit its name in later, I forget, tee hee). He is used to level the ground. He is also a machine. But let me tell you, WHAT A MACHINE!! He works on a remote control, and when I walked along side him, he sent tremors through my body. The most noticeable tremors were through my naughty bits. My very neglected naughty bits. I really like the jobbie. It made me feel competent; which is odd because I know practically nothing about what I am doing. I was in my glory when I was following simple instructions while all alone. I got to do all sorts of stuff. Like fill up holes. Seems like there were and awful lot of holes. Sometimes I had to fill them up with a shovel, but more fun was filling them up with the Cat. I am pretty sure that they noticed I was a girl. I had one guy say, “What do you want to be in the trades for, when you could be a model?”
Awww, I love fake flirting.
I also think that I was offered a lap dance.
It is really good for the ego to be the hottest chick on the block. Never mind that I am the only girl on the block.
At the end of the day, the boss guy (who is not creepy at all, YESSSSSSSSSS, he is just terrible at interviews apparently) told me, “It is not often that ladies show up for work. And I don’t think it has ever happened that a lady has smiled so much, or looked like she was having as much fun as you were.”
I think he was watching me use that remote control. I love it, biggest vibrator in the world. Mmmmm.